Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Domestic Violence can happen to anyone

by Anastasia

Woman enjoying freedom from abuse

Woman enjoying freedom from abuse

It is strange that Domestic Violence can happen to anybody, even to strong persons with merits of character and life history.

I am a strong woman who has fallen for the tricks of an intelligent manipulator of minds. It is obvious that I was one of many on his list.

I turned my back "suddenly" after the last "soft abuse" he gave me although I had given him plenty of warnings which he had ignored, being so confident about his charm and tricks.

I did not have to struggle with nostalgia as I don't miss him. A subtle disgust prevails my feelings and sadness because this whole game is ugly and unworthy to play. And I was a part of the game.

I am proud not to be any more. What I loved never existed. I collected my pieces and walked away.
30 days of No Contact lay behind me. Virtually an eternity because I shall never contact him again.

No hatred, no feelings not anything, prince charming has shrunken to a little insect hiding behind a green leaf while watching me curiously moving on ...

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Life after getting out of an abusive relationship often continues to be a struggle, and It's My Life Now offers guidance to overcoming common pitfalls, blending worksheets with insights on self exploration and ongoing growth. From handling feels of loss and guilt to overcoming feelings associated with having loved an abuser, this book continues to offer invaluable lessons and be a real source of help and strength:

To order in the US: It's My Life Now: Starting Over After an Abusive Relationship or Domestic Violence, 2nd Edition

To order in the UK: It's My Life Now


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UK National Domestic Violence Freephone number 0808 2000 247



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