Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Contact Hidden Hurt

We are always delighted when you decide to contact Hidden Hurt!

Important Information:

We will NOT reply to any message that does not specifically say that it is safe to do so!

If you would like a reply, please confirm that the email address given is SAFE to receive confidential information.

The Contact form below is for general comments, inquiries and questions.

If you would like to submit an article, your personal story, a poem, some prose or would like to suggest a link, please check out the list of email address below.

If you want to advertise on Hidden Hurt, click here.


Contact Hidden Hurt
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Submitting an article, your personal story, a poem or some other prose:

If you would like to send us your personal story or poems, please send these to contact@hiddenhurt.co.uk - link not active to prevent spam! Again, we will NOT reply to your email unless you specifically tell us it is safe to do so! Please also mention in the header that this is a poem or story to submit to hidden hurt.


Please also note that unless otherwise specified, any poem, story or other writing for publication on Hidden Hurt may also be reproduced in Kindle e-book format or hard copy at some stage.

If you have an issue with this, then please do let us know in writing that you woudl prefer your poem or story NOT to feature in any upcoming books, or that you would like your name or pen name to be mentionend at the end of the poem or story, and we will try to comply with your reauest.

If you would like to suggest an article you have written which you feel would be relevant to Hidden Hurt and would benefit our readers, please send it to contact@hiddenhurt.co.uk - (link not active to prevent spam!)

Submitting research requests, media requests, recommending websites and links, or updating information already held on Hidden Hurt

Hidden Hurt sometimes allows research requests and media requests to either feature on the site free of charge, or information on them to be sent out via the Hidden Hurt Update. If you have such a request to make, please send an email to contact@hiddenhurt.co.uk - (link not active to prevent spam!). And note in the header 'research request or similar.

If you would like to suggest a website or have your organisations details included in or modified in the Helplines or Links section of Hidden Hurt, then please fill in the form provided for this on the Resources page (scroll down to the bottom of the page).

Advertising on Hidden Hurt

At Hidden Hurt we are VERY picky about the type of advertising we allow on our site, so it had better be good, clean and suitable for the site content and visitors, many of whom are in a very fragile emotional state when they arrive on Hidden Hurt.

Any product or service you wish to advertise must be aware of the following points:

  • Only Domestic Abuse, Personal Safety and Recovery Ads are permitted
  • Be clear about the number and location of placements which you would like to see
  • Be clear that we allow only one sponsored advert to be included in each Update which is sent out to our readers
  • Be clear about what you are offering us in return for your placement
  • Also, the vast majority of our visitors come from the UK and the US.

If you still feel your product or service would be suitable for advertising on Hidden Hurt, please send an email to contact@hiddenhurt.co.uk - (link not active to prevent spam!).

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Related Pages:

Check out the Sitemap for the full contents of Hidden Hurt!

If you need immediate Support and Advise:

If you are in need of support or information on where to find suitable help and advice, please check out the Resources section of Hidden Hurt, or visit the Women's Aid site which includes a list of nationwide Refuges and Women's Aid Centers.

Alternately, you may browse or leave a message on the Hidden Hurt Message Forum.

The Message Forum is run by survivors of abuse and some professionals and they will do their very best to answer your queries,

It is a friendly and supportive community, and you will soon feel at home there!

Click on the donate botton below to support Hidden Hurt. Thanks you.

UK National Domestic Violence Freephone number 0808 2000 247

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