Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

support groups

by Michelle
(Milton keynes )

Talk to a close friend or seek a support group.

I bottled all my abusive experiences up for years until I broke down. Then I was advised to seek counselling. 6 weeks of support which at first was difficult.

I still find it difficult to form relationships and tend to build walls to protect my family. My goal is to seek further support and hopefully learn to trust again. Good luck peeps!

Note from Editor:

Most decent sized towns or communities now have some form of group support available. The local Womens' Aid should be able to advise you on where to find them, or alternatively ask for information about such groups at the local council, doctor's surgery or police station.

Also check out whether there are any Freedom Programmes running in your area. These not only inform about domestic abuse situations, but are also very encouraging and up-building as one suddenly meets so many other people who have been in similar situation and so while it is officially educational, it is actually also very supportive.

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