Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Seek Counselling With a Cup of Tea

by Penny
(NSW Australia)

I was terrified, and felt completely helpless.

After I spoke to the counsellor the first time, she had me making an action plan for what comes next, organising accommodation, money, more counselling.

Which I did, once I had somewhere to live and money to support my beautiful girls I felt stronger.

Unfortunately this feeling didn't last long and I crumbled again.

Back to the counsellor, she seemed to understand everything. She validated everything I was feeling and gave me the strength and courage to keep moving forward.

There is no judgement, no pressure to talk if you don't want to and loads of strategies to help you get through.

The nights were worse for me, she gave me strategies like playing music, doing a facial, writing a positive affirmation diary.

Many agencies provide free Domestic Violence counselling, if you don't click with the first councillor you try, try another, it will be so worth your while, and eventually you will find the perfect fit for both yourself and her or him and be able to move on with the therapy.

My counselling was done via the phone because I live in a remote area, I found this great because it's 24 hrs and I could be in my PJ's with a nice cup of tea while we talked.

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Dec 22, 2014
I like the TEA!
by: Lindsey

Actually I really do like the idea of being able to have counselling while standing in your PJs in the middle of the kitchen in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere with a cup of tea and somehow it all starts to make sense and from that chat over the cup of tea a new life slowly builds after the old one was completely destroyed,
Thanks for the advice - especially for people who do live in remote locations and don't have easy access to support groups and local counsellors.

Hope you continue to do well and enjoy the tea!

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