Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Certified Child and Family advocate

by Elizabeth Randall
(Syracuse NY)

Thank You for your interest in financial abuse.

I had had a long time partner who had lived in my home with me. My home had been paid off and I had no interest in refinancing for any reason. My partner however wanted significant "Toys", ultimately he held a job making over a 100.000.00 a year.

Since we lived together and I felt we had a commitment, I used my home as liability to obtain a home equity. Since the interest was so much cheaper. The loan was taken out in both our names. And given with a combine income status.

However within two years he managed to take 75,000.00 dollars in debt. New everything, packed up and moved out. Never paying a dime.

On the other hand, on a 30,000.00 a year income I risk not having a home.

Because of this the financial abuse has cost me financially and emotionally. The repair to my credit, future further upsets me since he has gone on to abandon his responsibility, lives generously.

I can not get an attorney willing to take the case without further financial debt nor can I file without an attorney to garnish his wages.

My neighbors and family have sighted this as "the easiest way to abuse and get away with it ... scheme there is ..."

Please BEWARE!!!

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