Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Talking about the shame

by Anon

I tried so many times to end the relationship, and didn't make it because he threatened to commit suicide.I couldn't talk to people about my problems because I was afraid that once the truth came out people would be watching me, and I would fail to get out of the relationship again, like so many times before. It would be double shame, living with a jerk, and to continue living with him while people knowing.

It turned out, that for me it was important to tell someone about my problems, not a best friend, but a distant friend.I had to change pattern, because the way I tried to get out before didn't work.

The way I continued to live was the way I got out. But now I talk to close friends. They didn't suspect that I was in such a bad relationship. People really cared about me, my boss, my family and friends, and my doctor.

And it helped to have sex with a nice guy! I don't know him at all, but it helped knowing there really are nice men to have sex with, feeling safe afterwards.

Good luck!

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Sep 06, 2015
Leaving my abuser
by: Anonymous

I am in the process of leaving and I am scared. My kids are grown not quite 21 but in college and I have not been able to discuss my leaving becuz he has always been "the fun parent" and the one who never said no; even to things that weren't so good for them. Anyway I am currently off work & on disability due to surgery but I return to work at the end of next month & plan to transfer from the west coast to the east coast. Ive decided that starting over can't be worse than staying in misery. I dont know how my abuser is going to take this nor do I know what my kids reaction is going to be but I know I cant save them without saving myself. I am askin for ur prayers and warm wishes on this journey.f

Aug 29, 2015
Re Shame
by: Lindsey

Don't know whether you have noticed, but we have a new article on Hidden Hurt which deals in depth with the concept of Shame. It takes a bit of reading (and then re-reading!) but is jolly good.

Here is the link to it:

All the best,

Feb 28, 2015
There is more support for you out there
by: Lindsey from Hidden Hurt


Your situation sounds difficult. Threatening suicide is not uncommon, and some abusers do actually carry through with it, which does leave us with feelings of guilt. But that guilt or shame is misplaced, because we each are responsible for our own actions, not those of other people - including our abusers!

I get that you feel you cannot talk to people close to you and the situation, but most countries have a domestic violence and abuse hotline, which you can contact anonymously, just for support, to talk through the issues and for help in working out an escape plan, even if you don't actually leave at this stage.

Also, there is the Hidden Hurt forum, which you can also access anonymously, and the forum is very active with a host of survivors, current victims and even some professionals who can listen, support and give advice. Please do consider just looking through the forum and maybe then you will feel able to share some of your experiences and get some much needed support.

All the best,

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