Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Surround yourself with friends and family that care about you.

by Donna
(West Yorkshire)

After spending months analyzing whether or not he ever actually loved me, I decided to stop dwelling on the past and concentrate on the people that actually mean the world to me and I to them. x

Comment from Moderator:
Well Done Donna. Going over and over the past is something we do tend to do, the what ifs and yes buts, and if things had been different or I had said or done things differently. We can easily get stuck in the past. Your moving on and instead focussing your thoughts and attention, time and energy into that which is preset and people who really are there for you and for whom you can be a positive force in their lives is a really wonderful thing. It proves that you are in the process of leaving the past behind and living once again in the present - and a much nicer and more wholesome present that it!

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Oct 16, 2015
Spending time with family and friends
by: Morris

If you want to spend some valuable time with family and friends, make sure that you are close to them. Perhaps spending your time with your friends or family members who know you better will give you some time worth remembering always, even when dark times come and it can be difficult to remember what good times looked and felt like.

I have always found that spending time with family and friends - the real ones, not the toxic ones - provides me with enough strength to really feel that I know myself, not matter what other people may say of me.

Sometimes we have to create new family and friends and other groups who can and will accepts us for who we really are, and in that way, help us to remember not only who we were, but also who we want to be.

Build up the positive memories by spending time with family and friends and those memories will not leave you alone in the darkness.

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