Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Keeping Busy

by Guest

My tip on leaving would be to be Keeping busy so that by the time I go to bed I am too tired to stay up and think.

Keeping busy involves visiting neglected friends (those that still want to know me), helping friends, making friends (mainly baby groups) shopping, doing activities with my child, educating myself on my faith, volunteering, playgroups and college courses.

And generally trying my best to give my child the most loving home with a good support network. My child is my focus and without any chaos from my ex-husband, I can finally be the mother I have always wanted to be.

I regret that I couldn't give my child the father that he needs but I will try my best to make it not matter so much.

When you feel yourself getting down, preoccupy yourself:
- Watch a great movie,
- read a book (my personal favourite is Midnight by Sister Souljah),
- try and cook something new or
- call a friend for a long chat.

There are just so may ways of keeping busy after leavig an busive relationship, that there is very little time left to think about the what 'ifs' or the 'if only's'

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