Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Keep a diary to gather evidence

by Anaon Survivor

Baby girl playing on bouncy toy

Baby girl playing on bouncy toy

I was in a similar relationship but not as brutal....

I hope you are keeping a diary to gather evidence? That is the most powerful advice I can give anyone!!! If you can take photos of evidence then hide them in a safe place that also helps. Or have witnesses write and date and sign statements about what they heard or saw. It all goes into that diary for evidence later on - and for our own sanity!

I'm wondering how old your children are???

I presume you are still there because you are frightened to leave?

What broke the camels back for me was falling pregnant. I couldn't cope with him treating my child the same way.

I have been left 18 months and my daughter is my little angel who saved my life!! If it wasn't for her I'm sure I wouldn't be here today!

I beg you, please tell someone! Or go to a refuge maybe? I know it's easy for me to say as I don't know your circumstances but please get yourself and your precious children away from this monster.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. It's a long road to recovery but each day at a time! Love C xx

Ps. There's a spiritual teacher called Teal Swan on YouTube who helped me.

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