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Fighting to get my kids back.

My children were taking into care as their father posed a risk to my life and potentially theirs.

Having my kids removed and fighting to get them back after all the trauma saved me then and still does the same for me to this day.

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Dec 27, 2014
This seems to happen rather too often
by: Lindsey

I have heard of this happening far too often in the UK especially. The general reasoning is that if the mother has been in an abusive relationship, then she lacks the insight to be able to protect her children from harm, because she might go out and choose another abusive partner or let unsafe people into her house.

One of the things which does puzzle me though, is that it seems an economic unwise decision. It would cost a lot more to put a child into foster care (around £400 per month) than to give the mother a course on parenting skills and domestic violence and especially on the effects on children, such as the Freedom Programme (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0955882702/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=wwwhiddencouk-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=0955882702) which is now being run all over the UK and even available online.

But generally I have heard that it is usually the younger children who are first taken into care and then adopted, closed adoption usually. While the older children either stay in a foster care home, or a children's home or in some cases are allowed back with their parents.

But it does seem a growing trend, and I really mourn for all you mothers who have had children taken off you AFTER you had the strength to leave an abusive relationship and could start putting your lives back together. Really, I mourn for you and your children.

Mar 12, 2014
they took my baby offme.knowing the abuse i went through
by: Anonymous

I wa mentally, physicaly, sexualy, emotionally abused for 8 years by my ex partner, i had my beautiful baby boy took off me, COs i lost my head one day drunk an my son was with me, that was down to him i went to court an they didn't want to know wati had been goin through. It breaks my heart everyday. I am planning to go back to court an fight again for my son who is 5. Stay strong an take each day as it comes that's all i do. Stay strong and good luck.

Sep 14, 2012
fighting to get my kids back
by: Anonymous

I am a mother of four kids and I was in an abusive relationship and I wanted to say if I was the victim of domestic violence - why did my kids get taken?

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