Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Emotionally Detaching from the Abuser

by Cher
(Denver, CO)

I began emotionally detaching from the abuser while I was still with him.

He pulls away which becomes abusive in itself. Leaves you cold naked and lying on the floor alone. When you mention it, you're crazy.

I began emotionally detaching from the abuser by becoming busy in rebuilding my life - if only in my head.

But when I finally left I was ready. I was done with all the hurt, lies, cheating, mind games ... . I was ready for that next BIG step which was walking out the door and into my new life!

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Mar 07, 2015
completely get this..
by: Sally

I so get where you're coming from, never really thought about that part of it, but in all honesty I knew for 2 years I wanted out and had done exactly the same over those 2 years as you: I completely distanced myself emotionally to the point that nothing he did affected me any more.

And by the time I escaped I felt absolutely nothing for him any more, I mean completely nothing - not love or hate. I had completely moved on in my mind and no attempts he made worked. I had shut him out and that killed him ... he desperately searched for some point of contact as he'd always done but got nowhere, and eventually said I just want you to acknowledge me, but I still didn't and never have or will again.

Over 4 years on now, you never forget or forgive but you live and you never really did before. Xxx

Mar 06, 2015
Well done for starting the process before leaving
by: Lindsey

A lot of victims of abuse leave before they have managed to even start to emotionally disengage from the abuser, which increases the likelihood of returning, often multiple times.

I remember years ago reading in a book that if I was not happy in my marriage, then I should just stop 'acting', ie responding emotionally, and should just watch my husband and listen to him and then think: do I really like this person? Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with him?

I think it was in Women Who Love Too Much, but I can't be sure.

Anyway, thanks for your contribution!

All the best in your new live - and let us know if there are any updates (you can do so simply by adding a comment to your own page!)

Lindsey from Hidden Hurt

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