Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Don't bottle it all up

by Another abuse survivor



Don't bottle it all up, like I did to begin with, but get it out of your mind by talking.

I am twenty years old and a year ago I came out of a two year relationship in which I was being both emotionally and physically abused. I never once looked for help during the relationship, my ex partner tried to keep me away from my family, tell me I was a joke and that I would never get anywhere with my career. I was never hit, however I had my hair pulled and was dragged across the floor and threatened to have my head put in the toilet. My arms were constantly bruised from "jokey" punches.

A year on and a mental breakdown is what it has taken for me to seek help. I have now spoken to family about the severity of the situation and am due to start counselling.

I have a new partner who is so supportive and fortunately very understanding. Speaking from experience, the worst thing you can do is bottle up what has happened, since speaking about the past I have found that a weight that sat in the back of my mind is slowly but surely lessening.

A problem shared is a problem halved couldn't be more appropriate in this situation.


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Life after getting out of an abusive relationship often continues to be a struggle, and It's My Life Now offers guidance to overcoming common pitfalls, blending worksheets with insights on self exploration and ongoing growth. From handling feels of loss and guilt to overcoming feelings associated with having loved an abuser, this book continues to offer invaluable lessons and be a real source of help and strength:

To order in the US: It's My Life Now: Starting Over After an Abusive Relationship or Domestic Violence, 2nd Edition

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