Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Dear You - An Open Letter to her Abuser

Dear You,

I never thought I was in any way, shape or form abused until I left you or should I say had you removed by force.

That is until I found those photos you made me do, in the pictures I was crying!!!

Then and there a cloud was lifted, I wasn't going mad and I wasn't stupid or anything else you told me. I could survive without you, I didn't need you.

Although you never physically hit me, the mental and sexual abuse was horrific. I had little or no money for clothes or food while you went out drinking every weekend, you forced me to have sex then made me have an abortion, what food I did manage to get you ate it all, you ran up thousands of pounds worth of debt in my name, you said the kids were the worst thing that had ever happened and you wished they'd never been born, even when our son was born and he was in special care you wouldn't come and see him, said you couldn't care.

You wouldn't talk to me for days, you even started a relationship with some girl on the internet!!

You kept telling me I was fat even though I only weighed 7 stone, was that to make you feel better because you were overweight?

To cut a very long story short I would like to let you know I did survive and am doing very well for myself, unlike you however! I'm now married to a great man and we have a baby girl, a sister for the two boys. We have a large 4 bedroom house and a brand new car. I can have anything my heart desires. All the debt you ran up has now been paid off, all the mental scars are now distance memories, nightmares that have past.

When I say "you however" are you still living in that bedsit?

Are you still trying to tell people you're the 'bad done by' one?

Are you still making up girlfriends?

All I want to say is "dear you, what goes around comes around" and you will get every thing you deserve!

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Personal Domestic Violence Stories

Recommended Reading:

Hear the voices of other women who have lived through and escaped from domestic abuse. This collection of personal survival stories help us understand the struggles, the pain and ultimately, the courage of victims who are determined to be survivors.

To order in the US: Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free

To order in the UK: Surviving Domestic Violence: Voices of Women Who Broke Free

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