Hidden Hurt Domestic Abuse Information

Children and Domestic Violence - Further Reading

On this page I have compiled a list of links to further information on Children and Domestic Violence, or children living in a home where abuse is occuring. Please be warned that some of the material can be quite distressing.

Listening to children: Children's stories of domestic violence - Commissioned by the Office of the Minister for Children in Dublin, this is a fascinating and insightful paper on the actual experiences of children growing up in a house where domestic violence occurs. 22 children of varying ages are interviewed, as are their mothers and various agency staff involved. Fascinating information on children and domestic violence and a Must Read!

Children and Family Violence: The unnoticed victims - "Current concerns about family violence focus on the women who are usually the victims and the men who are usually the assailants. But children are also part of families where violence is happening. Their lives, too, are being affected. Yet we know surprisingly little about their involvement."

Problems Associated with Children's Witnessing of Domestic Violence (PDF) - by Jeffrey L. Edleson, Ph.D., University of Minnesota, School of Social Work. The purpose of this document is to further an understanding of the current literature on the effects of witnessing adult domestic violence on the social and physical development of children. Very extensive and well-written research paper.

In Harm's Way: Domestic Violence and Child Maltreatment - A publication by the National Clearing House on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (US based). Provides you with a sample of the growing body of research on the co-occurrence of child maltreatment and domestic violence. Further, it focuses on the effects of domestic violence on children, including those who are witnesses to this violence and those who also are being abused or neglected. Finally, it presents a range of collaborative programs that have been implemented through Federal, State, and local initiatives to respond to these co-occurring problems. Very comprehensive and informative.

Domestic Violence as a Form of Child Abuse: Identification and Prevention - by Marianne James, Senior Research Officer, Australian Institute of Criminology. Looking at prevalence (in Australia), the effects at different stages of development, various coping abilities and strategies, and prevention measures. Recommended.

Domestic violence - its effects on children - A fact sheet for teachers and parents by the The Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK). How are children involved and affected? Are there any long-term effects? Who can help? Does it have to be reported? Who can help mothers and children later? Short and to the point with UK resources for further information.

The Batterer as Parent by Lundy Bancroft - This article looks at the characteristics of men who batter and identifies ways in which these characteristics also influence their ability to parent appropriately. Additionally, the article will address the implications of such parenting for child protective and custody determinations.

Understanding the Batterer in Custody and Visitation Disputes by Lundy Bancroft - A sophisticated understanding of the mind of the abuser, his style as a parent, and of the tactics that he most commonly employs during separation and divorce, are essential to anyone making custody recommendations or working to design visitation plans that are safe for the children and their mother. Contrary to popular belief, children of batterers can be at just as much risk psychologically, sexually, and even physically after the couple splits up as they were when the family was still together. In fact, many children experience the most damaging victimization from the abuser at this point.

A STORY OF EMOTIONAL INJURY AND RECOVERY IN CHILDREN EXPOSED TO DOMESTIC ABUSE - by Lundy Bancroft. - Excerpted from When Dad Hurts Mom: Helping Your Children Heal the Wounds of Witnessing Abuse.

Understanding the Effects of Maltreatment on Brain Development - from the Child Welfare Information Gateway (2009) - This issue brief provides basic information on brain development and the effects of abuse and neglect on that development. The information is designed to help professionals understand the emotional, mental, and behavioral impact of early abuse (including domestic violence) and neglect in children who come to the attention of the child welfare system.

If you know of any other relevant websites on children and domestic violence, please let me know via the form on the contact page.

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In This Section:

Related Pages:

PTSD in Children
Belinda's Story
Hidden Talents
Lash's Story
Carla's Story
Daisy's Story
Emotional Abuse

Recommended Reading:

Useful Books on Domestic Violence and Children available from the UK:

Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft

The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Dynamics by Lundy Bancroft

When Dad Hurts Mom: Helping Your Children Heal the Wounds of Witnessing Abuse by Lundy Bancroft

Children's Perspectives on Domestic Violence

Useful Books on Domestic Violence and Children available in the US:

When Dad Hurts Mom: Helping Your Children Heal the Wounds of Witnessing Abuse by Lundy Bancroft

The Batterer as Parent: Addressing the Impact of Domestic Violence on Family Dynamics by Lundy Bancroft

Children Who See Too Much: Lessons from the Child Witness to Violence Project



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