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Abuse of older women after a lifetime of hard work

(North America)

I gave up my career after my children were born. Childcare was expensive and unreliable and daycare would take one child but not two.

My husband bragged that there was only room for one career in the household and that his was his.

So I went from a full time, well paying, satisfying job with a pension and benefits to cleaning peoples houses part time. It was filthy work and humiliating.

After a few years I was badly depressed but found a better paying crappy job still with no pension or benefits. It lasted 15 years then the company went out of business.

I was 62. My monthly pension is $500.00. My husband is pressuring me to keep working for the next decade because otherwise what will I live on?

He, on the other hand, has been lounging around for two years on a great pension while I 'should have found a better job' and maintains he's provided everything we have. Except now my original skills are outdated and nobody wants an old girl around. My husband has offered to buy me a personalized shopping cart to gather pop cans for a living.

So now I'm back to being a cleaning lady.

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Jun 24, 2015
you are never too old
by: Anonymous

You're never too old to retrain and bring your outdated skills up-to-date, your husband sounds like a chauvinist pig, you gave up your career so he could have one and make sure your children got the best upbringing and you worked yourself hard to provide that,, does your husband really believe you'd both be where you're today if it hadn't been for your extra wage?? I hope your children appreciate you? You done what all decent mothers would have done, I'm so sorry you've spent your life with a man that doesnt see what a good woman you are.. how about he starts cooking his own meals and doing his own washing and chores,,, good luck with all you do and I hope it all works out for you.. remember you can be a success again you are never too old xx

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